Tool Kit


Teach to Learn is a four-year National Science Foundation funded project to improve science teaching and learning by pairing college undergraduates from both science and non-science backgrounds and K-7 classroom teachers to design and deliver NGSS-aligned units of instruction. The overarching project goals are to improve elementary teachers’ and college undergraduates’ understanding of the nature of science, teachers’ science teaching self-efficacy,  as well as to increase undergraduates’ success in science coursework and retention in science majors.  We also hope to improve attitudes toward learning science and science achievement among K-7 students.

The purpose of this toolkit is to share the resources developed and lessons learned from our implementation of this initiative. Our hope is that other grade K-7 teachers, public schools, and colleges will access and adapt the program model, or specific tools (e.g. the NGSS-aligned units of instruction), to meet their needs and support improvements in science teaching and learning in grades K-16.